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Paris War Days

By Barnard, Charles Inman

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Book Id: WPLBN0000635429
Format Type: PDF eBook
File Size: 192.14 KB
Reproduction Date: 2005

Title: Paris War Days  
Author: Barnard, Charles Inman
Language: English
Subject: Literature, Literature & thought, Writing.
Collections: Blackmask Online Collection
Publication Date:
Publisher: Blackmask Online


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Barnard, C. I. (n.d.). Paris War Days. Retrieved from

Preface: This is not a story of the world?wide war. These notes, jotted down at odd moments in a diary, are published with the idea of recording, day by day, the aspect, temper, mood, and humor of Paris, when the entire manhood of France responds with profound spontaneous patriotism to the call of mobilization in defense of national existence. France is herself again. Her capital, during this supreme trial, is a new Paris, the like of which, after the present crisis is over, will probably not be seen again by any one now living. As a youth in the spring of 1871, I witnessed Paris, partly in ruins, emerging from the scourges of German invasion and of the Commune. As a correspondent of the New York Herald, under the personal direction of my chief, Mr. James Gordon Bennett?for whom I retain a deep?rooted friendship and admiration for his sterling, rugged qualities of a true American and a masterly journalist?it was my good fortune.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents: Paris War Days, 1 -- Charles Inman Barnard, 1 -- Preface, 2 -- PARIS WAR DAYS, 3 -- Saturday, August 1, 1914, 3 -- Sunday, August 2, 5 -- Monday, August 3, 7 -- Tuesday, August 4, 9 -- Wednesday, August 5, 12 -- Thursday, August 6, 13 -- Friday, August 7, 16 -- Saturday, August 8, 18 -- Sunday, August 9, 18 -- Monday, August 10, 20 -- Tuesday, August 11, 20 -- Wednesday, August 12, 21 -- Thursday, August 13, 23 -- Friday, August 14, 24 -- Saturday, August 15, 25 -- Sunday, August 16, 26 -- Monday, August 17, 28 -- Tuesday, August 18, 28 -- Wednesday, August 19, 29 -- Thursday, August 20, 30 -- Friday, August 21, 30 -- Saturday, August 22, 31 -- Sunday, August 23, 32 -- Monday, August 24, 33 -- Tuesday, August 25, 33 -- Wednesday, August 26, 35 -- Thursday, August 27, 37 -- Friday, August 28, 37 -- Saturday, August 29, 39 -- Sunday, August 30, 40 -- Monday, August 31, 43 -- Tuesday, September 1, 44 -- Wednesday, September 2, 46 -- Thursday, September 3, 48 -- Friday, September 4, 50 -- Saturday, September 5, 51 -- Sunday, September 6, 52 -- Monday, September 7, 53 -- Tuesday, September 8, 54 -- Wednesday, September 9, 55 -- Thursday, September 10, 57 -- Friday, September 11, 59 -- Saturday, September 12, 61 -- Sunday, September 13, 61 -- Paris War Days -- i


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